• Bulimia Nervosa

    Fourteen out of 100,000 people suffer from bulimia nervosa, which primarily affects adolescent and young adult females. It is an eating and psychiatric compulsive disorder that can lead to serious problems with your child's teeth if left untreated. One-third of those who suffer from bulimia nervosa have

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  • Canker Sores/Cold Sores

    Canker sores (also called recurrent aphthous ulcers, or RAU) and cold sores are not the same thing. Canker sores occur inside the mouth, and cold sores usually occur outside the mouth, usually on or near the lips. A canker sore is a small ulcer with a white or gray base and red border. There can be

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  • Cavities and Tooth Decay

    Tooth decay is another name for the disease known as "caries," or cavities. A cavity is the result of your tooth enamel, dentin, or cementum being destroyed over long-term exposure to harmful bacteria. Many cavities are preventable Tooth decay is promoted by your teeth being frequently exposed to foods

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  • Gingivitis/Gum Disease

    Periodontal disease is a condition in which the structures that support the teeth, including the gums and bone surrounding each tooth, become infected and begin to break down. Periodontal disease (also known as "periodontitis") can be influenced by the body's response to infection caused by the bacteria

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  • Impacted Teeth/Wisdom Teeth

    Your child's third set of molars are no different than any other tooth, save for the fact that they are the last to erupt, or grow, into the mouth. Because they typically do so at around the age of 18 to 20, when adolescents are close to turning into adults, these teeth are commonly referred to as "wisdom

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